Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Unplugged and Off The Grid

When the going gets weird or tough ... when the Going is too much, make the decision to Stop ... to Unplug ... and to Go Off The Grid.

When your world is rocked and the earth beneath your feet shakes like the Great San Francisco ‘Quake of 1906 …. Move cautiously away from shifting ground. Don’t make any big decisions. Don’t react … Retract.

When the demands coming at you are too much … Breathe and Quiet down. Retreat.

Life can sometimes give us more than we can handle. Something happens to "break the camel's back" and you look around in confusion, not knowing which way to turn. Something you weren't expecting blows up in your face and you're left wondering what the hell happened. To figure it out, look inside first. And step away from the flames.

Used to be easier … going off the grid. All you had to do was unplug your land line and you were “poof” …. Gone. But now there’s more out there to find you.
  • Turn off the cell … do not turn it on vibrate or airplane mode. Just turn it off. Put it in a drawer and let it rest.
  • Ignore Facebook. My kid tells me it’s dead anyway. So, don’t open it up. Allow your name to appear for others without the Green Dot for awhile. Resist the urge to check for messages.
  • Don’t Text or Instant Message or Tweet or update LinkedIn or post to Instagram or Pinterest. 
  • Unplug your land line … if you still have one.
  • Avoid the temptation to “surf” the ‘Net. Or shop on-line. Let your computer go quiet.
  • Don’t send emails. If you have bills sent to you by email, take care of them. But get off the computer. No mass emails. No lengthy chats.
When life sends you a roadblock or a redirect, it’s okay. You will get thru it. This is just the universe’s way to cue you to Assess what is truly important and Take some time for you. With the numerous electronic gizmos buzzing for your attention and response, your only way to go quiet and reassess your values and deepest needs is to go off the grid.

Decide what is important to you and to your happiness without the influence of the outside world or clamoring posts cluttering your mind. While you insulate yourself and nurture your bruised and tired spirit, here are some suggestions: 
  • Activate your imagination with a good book. Sit in your favorite chair with a cozy blanket. Light a candle or a fire in the fireplace. Don’t allow anything to distract you from this time.
  • Start a home project … perhaps something you keep putting off. Or clean your place from top to bottom – maybe even the windows or kitchen cabinets. Put on some music and get your house in order.
  • Go into the kitchen and try a new recipe. Cook a nice dinner or bake a decadent treat. Light candles on the table and pull out the fancy tablecloth. Eat on china for a change.
  • Take time to craft. Me, I like knitting. But there are plenty of options … quilting, crocheting, sewing, needlework, scrapbooking, painting, pottery, sketching etc. Choose something you love or try something new.
  • Instead of flipping channels, pull out a full season of your favorite TV show. (I’m choosing Scandal and a glass of red wine.) Select something that disconnects you for a while so you can get back on solid ground. Something that nurtures your spirit and makes you happy. 
  • Workout. Yoga is a great choice to center your mind and body. A long run or a bikeride gives you a chance to get outside and absorb Vitamin D and fresh air. Just do it, as Nike said. Whatever it is. Exercise is a great choice to get you back on track.
  • Write ... Buy a nice journal and jot down your thoughts. Write a blog or a story or get your ideas on paper.

Resist the urge to use Alcohol as your escape route. Going off the grid can be good for your soul but it isn't a time to wallow in booze.
It’s okay to Retract and Retreat. It’s okay to step away from people and posts and publications. They aren’t real company anyway. Instead of relying on them, look deep inside and find your own way to stay connected … both with yourself and the people you care about and who truly care about you. 

Go off the Grid when you need to. No excuse needed. And when you come back ... if you choose to come back ... take each moment one breath at a time.
                                                                                                                                -- Jenni

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